Friends are a prophecy of who you are and what you are becoming. They tell where you are heading because birds of a feather flock together. Hang around millionaires and you're one your way to becoming one. Hang around with people who are living their dreams, you are on your way to living yours. If you want to change your life for the better, get around like minded people.
Attach yourself to people who have the kinds of things that you want to have; to people who have become what you want to become. Ask them to become your mentor, to teach you about how they achieved their success, built their business, and developed their talents. Let their success rub off on you. Feed off of the insights that they can provide for you. Learn from them. People of destiny will attract more people of destiny.
Detach yourself from those who have no desire to live a better life; those who are comfortable in their struggles and seem as if they don't want to change. They have no goals to achieve, no dreams to pursue and no stars to reach for. You've heard of the saying, misery love company. Check the company that you're keeping. Associate with people of low quality and you become one of them. They will suck the desire out of you.
To live the purpose that God has pre-ordained for you to live, you're going to have to associate with like-minded folks. He has prepared the way for you but you have to do your part. There are some friends that you know that you need to detach yourself from.
Fly with the eagles and leave the buzzards to themselves. Birds of feather, flock together.
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