When you desire something bad enough, you have to be diligent, consistent and persistent. The Bible instructs us to be steadfast and unmovable (1 Corinthians). In Luke 18, Jesus tells the parable of the widow who was granted what she desired because of her persistence.
Just keep doing what you’re doing and don’t give up, no matter how hard it may seem at times. You wont achieve what you want if you do things with your feelings, because you may not always FEEL your best. But you have to keep moving and working towards what you want to accomplish.
I want to share one of my testimonies where diligence, consistency and persistence paid off, even in the midst of trials and tribulations. I feel that someone needs to read this and know that through it all, if you desire it bad enough, then you must remain steadfast and unmovable.
What’s the big deal?”
Well, I’m glad you asked. That 10-month period was one of the most trying time periods of my life. Until that time, I had only been hospitalized twice in my life, for my birth and the birth of my son, who is now 21 yrs old.
However, during this 10-month period, I was hospitalized TWICE. One of the occurrences was life-threatening and I had to spend several days in the ICU due to blood clots in my leg and BOTH of my lungs. The doctors didn’t know how I survived that, but I know and have a personal relationship with the Balm in Gilead.
Two months later, one of closest girlfriends passed away unexpectedly. Talk about being thrown for a mental and emotional loop. Words cannot begin to describe how I felt.
The second hospitalization occurrence happened during this same month, I had a major surgery which required 6-8 weeks of recovery. Yes, all of this happened during the 10 months that I was working on getting my MBA. I enrolled in the program in July and set a goal for myself to complete it so that I could participate in the next graduation ceremony in the May of the following year and I did it.
Some people probably would have given up, withdrawn from the program, gone into a depression, or sang the ‘Woe is Me’ song. But I didn’t because I desired it bad enough. I wanted to fulfill one of my dreams; to achieve one of the goals that I had set for myself. And people let me tell you something, when you ask, you shall receive. When you knock, the door shall be opened.
I reached out to my professors during all of these trying times and all of them were willing to work with me on remaining in the graduate program. Because I was already a great student, my professors during these times, gave me extensions to complete the assignments. This allowed me to remain in the classes and to not receive any failing grades. After each of the hospital stays, I was confined to my home for recovery, so I took advantage of this confinement to complete all of the assignments that I had fallen behind on. So, my point is yes, there are people who can and will assist you, if you just ask.
I shared all of that to say this; despite the trials and tribulations that may come your way; despite your feelings, which can change from day to day; despite your urge to give up, cave in and quit; and despite the nay-sayers who dont believe in you, if you stay the course, be persistent as the widow in the parable, and be as diligent as the Bible instructs us to be, you WILL achieve all that you desire to achieve. Just believe that you can.
Believe that you can do ALL things through Christ, who gives you strength. I live, breathe and have my being on this. And during those trying times, I SURVIVED on this.
Soulful Sandstone: Copyright © 2010.
Because I had set goals and a target date for myself, I had to double up on the classes. That meant that I had double course assignments and workload, all during these trying time. Now when I look back, I am even more amazed at God's goodness and the way He sustained me during this period.
ReplyDeleteHe IS who He says He IS, The great I AM.