Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy site, oh Lord, my Strength, my Redeemer (Psalm 19:14)
Think on that for a moment. Now think about whether the words that speak or the things that you think about all the time, are pleasing to God.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21)
In other words, the words that you speak are powerful. They have the power to destroy and the power to create. They have the power to build and the power to tear down.
And you shall have what you speak. Believe that!
Most people take words for granted and just speak without even thinking about what they are saying. I hear around me all the time. I know that words are just the manifestation of what is really in the heart. People who are bitter, speak bitterly whether they mean to or not. People who are angry, speak angry words. On the flip side of that, people who are happy, speak kind words and will always try to find 'the good' in things.
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh (Luke 6:45)
That says it all. What you are really feeling, what is really in your heart, is what comes out your mouth and/or your fingertips on that keyboard. I see it posted all over the internet, especially social networking sites. And I am always appalled by it.
And here's what really gets me. When I see people post some of the most obscene things, laced with curse words, hate and animosity and THEN mention GOD in the same sentence. SERIOUSLY! SERIOUSLY!
I am always telling people to be careful of the what you say (or write), regardless of the context in which it is done (angrily, jokingly, sarcasticly, etc). You can either build something or someone or tear down something or someone, including yourself, just by the words that you speak.
For those who know me personally and are always around me, will tell you that you WILL NOT hear me ever speak certain things concerning me or my life. For example, you will never hear me say things like,
"I almost died laughing"
"___ (insert name) makes me sick. They get on my last nerve"
"I'm broke. Honey, I ain't got NO money"
"My head (or any other body part) is killing me"
"I'm stupid, stupid, stupid" (or any other negative characteristic of myself).
I think you get the gist of what I'm saying here. You know the negative things that you hear people say. I don't speak anything contrary to my prayers. Point blank. My prayers are always that I am healthy (spirit, soul and body) wealthy, love everyone and will live a long satisfying life. And that is what I speak. Is that being too deep? Perhaps you think so, but I don't think so at all. I speak what is in my heart and will not speak against it.
Speaking positive words ALL the time is not an easy thing to do. It definitely requires discpline and awareness. Just try it for a day and see for yourself. Refrain from speaking anything that is negative in nature, including words of death, sickness, gossiping, cursing, etc. See how many times you will have to 'catch' yourself and find other words to express what you feel. Even if you're saying it in a jokingly way, find some other words to describe how you're feeling. If you're laughing hard enough to die, then stop laughing so hard or describe it as like "that was so funny'.
Are you going to try it for at least a day? If so, share your experience with me.
Copyright© 2011.
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