Do You Have a Vision

Habakkuk 2 (King James Version)

2: And the LORD answered me, and said, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”

3: For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Do you have a vision for your life? Have you VISUALIZED what you will accomplish, what you will do for yourself, and what you will do each day to advance your life? In order to achieve the things that we want in life, we must first have a VISION of what those things are.

Think for a moment and answer the following questions, honestly:

1). What do I really want out of life? What can I honestly see myself doing or having?

2). Can I see myself with those things?

3). What stops me from putting forth the efforts to have the things that I envision?

4). Have I created a vision board, so that I can constantly see my vision before my very eyes?

5). Is my vision plain enough so that others can easily read and understand it?

Were you able to answer those questions clearly? If you cannot vividly describe what you want for your life and actually SEE yourself with those things, then you have NO vision. The Bible instructs us to WRITE the vision and to make it plain, so that it is clear to whomever reads it, so that they may run with it. Believe it or not, there are others (divine connections) who are willing and able to help your vision become a reality. But how can they help if they don’t know what your vision is?

The Bible also tells us that when we have a clear (plain) vision, it will surely come to pass. It may not happen right away, in our timing, but it WILL happen, in God’s timing (appointed time). So be assured, that knowing what you want and writing it down, is not a waste of time, but will eventually manifest in your life. VISUALIZE what you want for your life.

But we have to do what the Word has instructed us to do, and that is to write the vision clearly, so that you and anyone else who reads it know exactly what it is that you want. You don’t have to show them all of the details or the steps that you’ll have to take to reach the destination of your vision. But make it plain enough so that they know what you will eventually achieve.

If you cannot answer the questions above, then you’re walking in darkness, unable to see yourself, your life or your future. It’s like trying to reach a destination without having a clear destination to reach, so you’re just going in circles. It’s like being on I-285 in Atlanta, you can start at any point, but without knowing which exit to take to your destination, you’ll continue to drive in circles and will eventually end up back at the same point where you started. Some of you have come back to the same place in your lives over and over again, asking yourself how you ended up back in that same place again. That cycle will continue unless you can identify the destination you are trying to reach.

Stay tuned for more discussions on how to identify your vision and how to create a vision board so that when you look at it, you are constantly reminded of where you are headed.

Soulful Sandstone: Copyright © 2008-2010.

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