30-Day Gratitude Journal-Day 27

I'm going to shift things on the blog today. Well maybe just a little, but not a lot.

Today's post is about appreciating ME. A little while ago, I was not able to do that, at least not with a straight face. But I have grown and now I am in a different state of BEing. Now I am able to really express gratitude and appreciation of MYSELF.

No this is not about singing my own praises, although that is never a bad thing to do.

We should all appreciate who we are.

Celebrate who we are.

Besides, if you aren't confident enough in yourself to sing your own praises then who else will?

Remember, each of us teach others how to treat us. So, if they see you appreciating yourself and treating yourself well, then they will automatically do the same.

Now here's what I am able to appreciate about myself:

1) Everything that I have experienced, the good, bad and the ugly, have in some way shaped who I am now. I appreciate that through all of it, I arise bigger and better. Larger than life.

2) I'm grateful for my past. When I revisit it, which is not too often; but when I do, I am able to see how far I've come from that place back then. No, I didn't have a terrible childhood or anything like that. But I did make some terrible decisions along the way. The lessons learned from them is why I am able to appreciate my past.

3) I'm grateful for who I am now. As stated above, I am a different BEing than I was even a year ago. I absolutely love the person who I've become.

4) I'm grateful for my future, for when it comes, it will be my present. I know that there are so many more wonderful things enroute to manifest into my reality and I eagerly anticipate all of them.

5) All that encompasses that which is me: my character, my spirituality, my soulful experiences, my intellect, my personality, my beauty, my brains,  my purpose, my passion, my yes, my no, my maybe, my hellos, my goodbyes, my family, my friends, my associates, my colleagues, my clients and of course you my readers.

Thank you for taking the time to read all about my appreciation of me.

Now what do you appreciate about yourself? Make everyday a celebration and appreciation about who you are and all that you aspire to become. When you do that, you're thanking God for the masterpiece that He's created in you. You're celebrating all of the other wonderful things that He do for you and with you. So, go ahead and toot your own horn and I'll toot it with you.

"Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion"

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