These past 30 days have been so enlightening and I enjoyed the challenge of being aware of even the smallest things to be grateful for. If you remember, the challenge for this series, was to find things to be grateful for, besides those that are obvious (and usually the same on everybody's list); things such as shelter, food, family, etc. So, the series made us think outside of the box for even those things that you wouldn't ordinarily view
in a grateful manner.
I've enjoyed this series tremendously and quite appreciative of all of you who participated and followed along. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!.
Oh, by the way, here are my 5 things to be grateful for on this day (Hahahaha! I bet you thought I forgot, didn't
1) Phone conversation with a dear friend who I hadn't spoken to in over 10 years. Where did the time go?
2) The amazing opportunity to be a featured guest on the Angel in Distress blogtalk radio broadcast. That was an exhilirating experience and I am blessed to be a blessing to others. If you didn't get the chance to join us, you can click here and listen to the recording. You know what comes next.......God is awesome!
3) The loving feedback from my Mom, who listened in on the broadcast and then gave me her feedback. Love you Mom!
4) The butterflies in my stomach as I began a new venture. Whenever I feel those butterflies, I know that I'm heading in the right direction. Do you know that feeling that you get when you're about to venture into the unknown? Yeah, that's how I'm feeling, even now, as I'm typing this message. Can't explain it!
5) New goals with new timelines set for the remainder of My Year of Fulfillment. Perhaps this explains the butterflies.....
Thanks again everyone for allowing me to come into your world through Soulful Sandstone. Please be sure to join us on Facebook (Soulful Sandstone) and also on Twitter (sandstone2020).
"Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion"
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