Drop & Give Me 30

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Drop down and give me 30!!!!

Drop whatever bad habit you have. Now give 30 days to change your life!

I've often heard that it takes 21 or 30 days to make (or break) a habit. Have you ever wondered why commercial advertisements offer 30-day trial periods before you have to purchase some the product or return it? Or some will offer a 30-day money back guarantee, if you're not
satisfied with their product after using it for 30 days. They are banking on the fact

  that after you use the product for 30 days, you will have developed a habit for it and will purchase it.

Even with our own thinking, making changes in our lives seems doable when we want to do it for just 30 days compared to doing it a lifetime. Take for instance a person who wants to quit smoking or a person who wants to change their eating patterns. If you tell them to just stop doing from here on out, chances are they won't. They will not begin the changes because forever (or here on out) seems like a long time and they are confident enough to believe that they will be able to do it. But if you tell them to just do for just 30 days, now that seems more reasonable and now, with knowing that at the end of that time, they can change again if they choose to, they will attempt the changes for 30 days. And if they like the change, they can always extend it for another 30 days.

I once heard of a guy, I forget who it was, living his life in series of 30 days. Everything that he wanted to change or accomplish in his life, he tried it for 30 days and made any necessary adjustments after that time. He attributes his success to doing this.

I believe that one way of really wanting to do something for 30 days, is to determine what the benefits will be. How will making or breaking this habit benefit me?

Based on experience, I believe that it takes the entire 30. For the past 2 months or so, I have been testing this theory and I can say, that it has worked for me.

In May, I decided to go the entire month without watching TV. Since May actually has 31 days, I continued for that additional day.

For the month of June, I have been blogging about being grateful. Today is June 22nd and I tell you, when I miss a day of not focusing on the things that I am grateful for, or if I miss a day of writing about it on the blog, I feel out of whack, just a little. That is how I felt this past weekend while I was in Orlando, FL. I couldn't wait to get home so that I could write my gratitude posts.

I must say, that each of these periods have been very beneficial to me. In May, because of the free time that I had since I was not watching the tv, I was able to get more things done such as completing some projects, writing more for my book and some other things. So, it was definitely worth it.

In June, the benefit is that I am more aware of even the smallest things to be grateful for. Instead of focusing on or complaining about what is lacking, I am constantly seeking out the things that I appreciate.

So, do you want to make changes? Good, then let's try something for at least 30 days? I would suggest that you begin on a date that will be easier for you to track. For example, begin on the 1st, 15th or any other date that has significance and will be easier for you to keep up with when you began. Here are a few suggestions.

  • No TV for 30 days. You can always record your faovrite shows or you can catch many of them online. That is how I was able to see the season finale of my favorite shows.
  • Try a different eating pattern such as no meats, sweets, sodas or the white stuff (bread, rice, flour, etc) for 30 days. Instead, fill up on fruits and veggies. 
  • Read every day for at least an hour. Knowledge is powerful.
  • Want to write a book, write at least 5 pages or as much as you can every day
  • Want better health? Get moving off of that couch and go for a long walk in your neighborhood every day.
  • No smoking for the next 30 days. Grab a piece of fruit or some chewing gum when you feel that urge.
  • Rise 30 minutes earlier for 30 days. Use this time to meditate and remind yourself of all the wonderful things that you have to be grateful for.
  • Give up online forums or social media for 30 days. Find other tasks that you could be doing with all of the time that you would normally spend on these sites.
  • Feeling lonely, then meet someone knew everyday. Make eye contact and at least greet them with a hello.
  • If you use profanity, then go 30 days without say any of those words. Use a dictionary to find other words that will get your point across. People who use profanity habitually, have a very limited vocabulary. So use this time to increase it.
  • Are you a news junkie, then give up watching or listening to any news, either on tv, radio or reading it online. You'll be amazed at how much energy you'll have when you're not absorbing in all of the bad things happening.
All of the suggestions listed above will either make or break a habit if you do them consecutively for 30 days.

What are some other suggestions that people can try to 30 days.

"Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion"

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