It was last year in mid-May, when I stumbled across a book called, Dance into Destiny, by Sherri Lewis. That book awakened me from the 'sleepy mundane life' that I was living. Here is the link to that post. But there is something that I want to pull out that post for the sake of this one.
"I want to ask the question of each of you. For what reason were YOU born? Why are YOU here? "Esther’s purpose and destiny was to save her people from destruction. Joseph’s purpose was to save an entire nation from destruction. Moses’ purpose was to deliver the Israelites from bondage. Joshua’s purpose was to lead God’s people to the promise land. And Jesus’ purpose was to save man from death and destruction.
Who were YOU put here to save from destruction? Whose deliverer are YOU? If you don’t find the purpose of God for your life, what people may end up being destroyed? If you don’t do what you’re supposed to do, God will send deliverance through somebody else, but you’ll ‘die’. How many of you are ‘dying’ because you’re not living the life God made YOU to live?"It was after reading those two passages, that I realized that if I didn't take radical actions to live the life that I've always dreamed of, and to be in alignment with God's plan for my life, then I would continue to 'die' on the inside. So, I became radical and did things that people thought I was crazy for doing.
My birthday was on June 8th, my last day of working for someone else was on June 11th and on June 14, 2010, I became the CEO of me and hence, the journey of the new me began, walking in purpose and with so much passion.
But now, as I am typing this post and thinking about it, the journey was already forming a couple of years ago (2008) when other things began to happen in my life. I told a lot about that in this post, but I now realize that this experience began when I went to Jamaica, for a week, alone. That was when the groundwork for the changes in me, were being laid. That time, alone, gave me the solitude to really spend time with myself. It was the basis of what I needed to work ON myself, FOR myself. Everything else that came afterward, were links that were added to the chain.
When I look back over everything that has happened in the past year, in particular, I can honestly say, that God, our Father, has begun a good work in me. You see, when I cried out to Him, He knew exactly what was in my heart, and He knew the exact moment when I would really yearn to do what He had created me to do. He also knew that it would require me being totally comitted and faithful in order to be that person who would have those Peter moments, filled with fear and doubt (Matthew 14:29-31), yet not be afraid to step out into the water anyway.
During this past year of becoming the CEO of me, I thought that I would be just working with others as they worked on themselves, but God had other plans. He made me realize that before I could work with others, I had to first work on myself and that the first part of my TESTimony would arise out of my TEST. And so my faith and my commitment were tested in every area of my life.
Was I afraid?..............Absolutely!
Did I doubt if I was doing the right thing?.................. You bet I did!
Were there setbacks?.................... Definitely!
Were there setups?................... Yes, indeed!
Were there moments when I wanted to give up, cave in and quit?............ YES, YES, YES! Doors that should have been opened to me, windows that I just knew were available for me, were all closed in my face.
After each time a door slammed shut in my face, I would hear God ask me, 'Why are you trying to return to something that I have delivered you from? There are different doors for you to pass through"
And each time, I would bow my head in humility, only to raise it in meekness. It was very frustrating, to say the least.
But through all of those moments, my faith wouldn't let me quit. God wouldn't let me quit.
Through those Peter moments (Matthew 14:29-31), when I was 'walking on water by faith', and began to have those doubts, it was always my faith in God, who I knew would never leave me nor forsake me, that would not let me sink or drown.
I remember one of those moments in particular. I had reached my wits end about what to do about a certain situation. I had done all that I knew to do in my natural ability. And at that moment, all I could do was sit down, at the top of my stairs, and just cry and I do mean cry, as in broke down. And as I was crying and was talking to God, it was in those moments that He spoke to me, in that gentle whisper that He always does and said,
"Dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and you shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. You will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in Him will I trust'.......Because you hath set your love upon me, therefore will I deliver you: I will set you on high, because you hath known my name. You shall call upon me, and I will answer you: I will be with you in trouble; I will deliver you, and honour you. With long life will I satisfy you, and shew you My salvation.". (Psalm 91)
Then I heard Him say to me, This affliction shall NOT rise again (Nahum 1:9)And I believed Him because I knew for sure, that He always keeps His WORD.
It was in those moments, that I knew that EVERY THING would be alright and that I did not have give up or faint on this journey. So, I picked myself up from those stairs, went into the bathroom to wash my face, put on some praise music and had a Holy Ghost party, just me and the Lord. That moment was about six months ago and I have not been in that situation again.
It was in those moments, that I knew that He was the Potter and I was the clay, being molded, shaped and formed, into what He intended for me to be (Isaiah 64:8)
It was in those moments, that I knew the wine in this old wine bottle was being emptied out, so that new wine would fill the new wine bottle. You cannot put new wine in an old wine bottle, because it would burst. So out with the old, in with the new (Matthew 9:17).
It was in those moments, that I knew that the old me was being transformed so that I may prove what is good, acceptable and the perfect will of God for my life (Romans 12:2).
The old me was being 'gutted out". Things such as unforgiveness, pride, unfaithfulness to God, doubt, fear, procrastination, lack of love, impatience, gossip, etc. were destroyed.
So that only the things of God could be fill that empty space in me. My spirit and my soul were going through a transformational process so that love, joy, peace, kindness, forgiveness, humility, faith, confidence, patience and self-control could fill me.
And through all of this, I felt like it was just me and God. It felt as if I was in this place alone. And I believe tht God meant for it to be that way. My family and friends were around, but they weren't around, if you know what I mean. They were there, but then again they weren't. I was in 'this place' with God only. There were times when I wanted to share all of it with others, but I couldn't and He wouldn't let me.
When I went to visit Bishop Bronner's church, he spoke something that I think describes this situation perfectly. He said that when you are impregnated with a vision/dream from God, everyone will not be excited about it because everyone won't understand it. He said that you have to find 'Your Elizabeth" and that is who you should tell about it. Now for those of you who don't know this story in the Bible, it is about Mary, the Mother of Jesus who was pregnant and was sent to visit Elisabeth, her cousin who was also pregnant with John, the Baptist. (Luke 1).
What the Bishop was saying here, is to get around someone who is also carrying (pregnant) a dream or vision from God. And to make sure that this person is further along in the stage, than you are. Then you are able to learn and feed off of them and their knowledge of this process.
I thought this was message was very profound. And as I looked around and began to notice, there was no one in my immediate world, who was pregnant and actually working toward the arrival of anything.
So, I adopted some VIRTUAL ELISABETHS for myself. I began to research and gather more information on people like Oprah, Lisa Nichols and others, who are constantly 'pregnant' with visions and dreams and after 'delivering' one, are impregnated with another. They continue to 'give birth' to many dreams and visions.
And although they have no idea that they are my ELISABETHS, I feed off of them by watching, listening, and learning from them; soaking in the knowledge and wisdom that they are willing to share.
All of the things that have transpired over this past year, have brought me here, to this very place at this appointed time. That past year was dubbed My Year of Consciousness.
Now, I am ready for the next level. My muscles of faith, confidence, temperance, love have all been strengthened as a result of testing and carrying some heavy burdens.
This upcoming year is dubbed My Year of Fulfillment, because as I said in that post, I am being fulfilled with every step that I take on this journey. It has begun already and I actually had the opportunity to meet one of my ELISABETHS.
And so, my journey continues and I wouldn't take anything for this journey. I wouldn't trade it at all.
I pray that in this past year, the SOULFUL SANDSTONE blog has helped you in some way. I pray that you have revisited dreams that you thought were too late for you to pursue; that you have forgiven yourself and others; that you have realized that the season of some folks in your life, have come to an end.
I pray that you will come to the realization that THE TIME IS NOW, to walk in your God-given purpose, so that your life is fulfilled.
God has instructed each of us to let our light shine before others, so that they may see our good works, and glorify our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).
Now my light has begun to shine....and I give all praises and glory to God.
And if you're ready to do the same and would like my assistance, please feel free to contact me at sandstone2020@gmail.com.
Step into that light, people, Step into that light.
"Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion"
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