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This new beginning is what we will be discussing throughout this month. In that same post, I mentioned that I was working on a piece that will tie the Law of Attraction to the Bible and show exactly how both are the same principle. This month I am going to sharing all of that information with you.
What is the Law of Attraction?
It is a universal law that states Like attract like. Ask, Believe, Receive.
It is a scientific principle that states that the energy (or vibe) that you put out, is what you're going to receive back.
When I first heard about the Law of Attraction, several years ago, I wasnt ready to receive it or understand it. So, I rejected it. I bought the book but never read it. I thought that by accepting what I perceived to be a 'new age' concept, was somehow rejecting God. My mind was telling me that I could not just attract what I wanted and this was all some kind of mumbo jumbo. Besides, that wasn't what I learned as I was growing up. My spirit was not in the place of intuitive guidance back then, as it is now.
Now, since I have evolved more into a place of consciousness and awareness, some light and spiritual guidance has been shed on this subject. I am now in a place where I know, without any doubt, that the prinicple of this Universal law (LoA) is indeed the same principle as that one which is throughout the page of the Bible. And I'm going to show you.
Stay with me now!
I was hesitant about sharing all of this. There is a vast array of information out there about this and I wasn't quite sure how I could add anything different. There was also some sort of fear there because I didn't know if I would be opening myself up to scrutiny or pushing people away. So, I hesitated and procrastinated with it. I gave you little nuggets of what I was learning in some of the posts that I was writing, such as When God Abides Within, Competitive vs Creative Mindset, Heart Knowledge vs Head Knowledge, What I Know for Sure, Gratitude Journal Series, etc.
But there is so much more to share regarding all of this. That little fear, kept me from just putting it all out there. So, I used the excuse that I would write and put it out in the form of a book. I have been writing this book since May of this year, when I wrote this post. I would start writing it, then stop. Start then stop. It was my intention to wait until the book was completed before I would share any of the information in it. That way, I wouldn't receive any feedback from it right away but later, down the road.
But God!
God had other plans for all of this. And He began sharing them with me last night as I was watching the movie, The Wiz. I have seen that movie a million times, but last night, I saw it with a whole new perspective and with new revelation. It is more than just a movie. There is so much wisdom and encouragement in it. And for the first time, I got the message that the movie was trying to convey. The next time you watch it, see it as more than just a movie or a musical. Watch and listen to it with your spiritual understanding.
After the movie, I couldn't sleep. For hours, I laid there and listened, as God fed me more and more about all of this. I began and finished that entire book, in my head, within a span of a few hours. I didn't get up to try to write any of it down, because my hands would have been going to slow for what my mind was receiving. So, I just laid there and soaked it all in. And when God had finished speaking to me, I prayed that He would bring it all back to my remembrance, at the break of day, so that I could share it with all of you. Then I went to sleep. And at the break of day, He did as I had requested and I wrote pages and pages of notes this morning.
I have arrived at one of 'Peter moments', where, with faith, I step out of the boat, which is my comfort zone, and step into the water, where I am very uncomfortable and have no choice but to depend on God.
So, throughout this month, I am going to share the concepts of this Law of Attraction and supply you with scriptural references to support it. Instead of dropping little nuggets here and there, I am going to serve you up the full main course.
I am not professing to be an SME (subject matter expert) with the law of attraction. Far from it. But I do have regular conversations with God and receive wisdom and knowledge from Him. The information that I am going to share is as much for me, as it is to the person who will receive something from it.
So here is what I am hoping will be an exceptional outcome from this series of posts:
1) This information will be useful in our understanding of this principle.
2) Techniques and practical applications will be explained so that we can begin applying them effectively.
3) We will learn and grow into the knowledge of all of this together; through discussions, feedback and sharing of other information that we find along the way.
What we will not do througout this series is:
1) Debate. We can discuss, but we won't debate. There is a difference.
2) Be rude or make ungodly comments.
3) Condemn or put down any religion.
Any comments that do either of those things will be deleted. This blog is one filled with LOVE and anything contrary to that will not be allowed.
This series will link together the LoA and the Bible. I am referencing the Bible because it represents my faith. I am in no way diminshing the faith of anyone. God Is and in His Word, Exodus 3:14, He says "I am that I am". That means He is whoever you know Him to be, through whatever your faith or belief system is.
It is not my intent to be overly aggressive or to try to convert anyone. However, it is my intent to share what I am learning and that you will seek guidance from God as to how these same principles coincide with your faith, because this universal law, this principle, is one that He has put in place across the board, meaning that it appies and will work for anyone who follows it. That is because God honors what He has put in place.
Also, at times, I will give the definition of some words. This is not to play down anyone's intelligence. In fact, it is just the opposite. It is to provide a clear understanding to those who may not know the definition or understand what I am saying, thereby increasing their level of knowledge. Besides, that is the mission of this blog; to provide information and coaching with simplicity and understanding so that it may be applied to their everyday lives.
So, I pray that you will follow along with me throughout this 8th month of the year as we began a new journey. Be sure to sign up for the emails or follow on Facebook and Twitter so that you can receive all of the posts as they become available. Pass the Soulful Sandstone link on to your friends and family, so that they, too, will receive understanding of this basic principle that is sure to change their lives forever.
Stay tuned for the next post, which will lay out the basics of the Law of Attraction.
On a side note, I am fasting this month. I won't post the details of the fast here because I want to stay focused on the task at hand. However, if you would like to join me on this fast, send me an email to sandstone2020@gmail.com and I will share the details with you.
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