This path that I run is in the park, so there are plenty of trees,
a lake in the middle with ducks quacking all about, curves & bends, speed bumps and a couple of hills. All of these things were obstacles that hindered me from seeing my target clearly. I didnt have a clear view of it but I knew that it was there. All I had to do was to keep running and it would soon come into view. I just needed to keep heading in the direction of my target and eventually, I would see it and reach it.
Now, let's look at this from a spiritual perspective. I have a vision of what my goal is. I can see it clearly with my spiritual eye. However, sometimes there will be obstacles in the way (trees, lakes) that will keep me from seeing it fully, just yet. I may not understand it. Just keep running. The path may not be a straight as I would like and cause me to swerve off course a little (curves & bends); Just keep running. The speed bumps (spiritual bumpers) are there to slow me down, if I get impatient and try to move ahead of God. Just keep running. There may even be some uphill battles to overcome. Just keep running. I know that if I just keep running, then eventually, the thing that has been set before me, by God, would eventually come into clear view.
This was an amazing experience. And guess what, it also allowed me to run further, a greater distance than I've run to this date. I set my eye on the target and I ran, refusing to give up, refusing to quit. In my spirit, I was clearing trees that were obstructing the view of my vision. I was overcoming challenges and at the same time working on my patience. When I got to certain points in the run and wanted to quit, I started 'boxing' in the air, with my arms and fists. I felt like Rocky preparing for a fight. I was 'fighting' the good fight of faith. Tearing down the strongholds that would hinder me. I was continously having conversation with God and He ordered each step that I took. He held me up, gave me eagles wings so that I could run and not get weary in my well doing. I was totally in another zone, determined to reach my target. And I endured to the end.
That was a spiritual enlightening that I always cherish and remember for each vision that He gives to me and each goal that I set for myself. Wow!
I know that the race to the finish is not given to the fastest or the strongest. It is given to the one who endures and stays to the end. Just keep running. Have you had any experiences that you can equate to this experience?
Sandstone: Copyright © 2010.
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