9 Stages of Birthing A Vision

Pregnancy is the reproduction of a 'baby' that has been implanted through gestation. It is the period from conception to delivery. The same principle applies when one has been impregnated with a dream or a vision from God. It is a time of 'expectancy'; think of the term 'expectant mother. There is the moment of hope of all of the wonderful things that you will experience, the lives that will be affected by this birth (vision) and all of the things that you will need to do to prepare for this birth that will soon manifest.

When you think about the process of being pregnant, you will notice that there are a lot of similarities of being pregnant physically as well as spiritually. Just as there are signs, symptons and growth of a physical pregnancy, there are also signs, symptons and growth of a spiritual pregnancy. There are the moments of silence when it seems as if nothing is happening. You have a feeling that there is something different about you, but you're not quite sure in the beginning. There are those times when you finally feel like things are beginning to move. There are the growing pains of life forming on the inside of you.

Being pregnant physically implies that new life will soon manifest for all the world to see. The same can be applied to being pregnant spiritually. There has been something planted on the inside of you and if you nuture it, feed it  and then birth it, all the world will see it.

Let's go through each stage (month) and relate the developments and growth of a physical pregnancy to that of a spirutal one. I will compare the signs and symptons of each one, month by month.

Stage 1
This is the time when conception has taken place. There has been a coming together of some sort (egg/sperm and you/vision). The vital organs of your 'baby' begins to form; those organs that give it life, heart (love), lungs (breath) and spinal cord (foundation). New life is beginning to take shape.

You may or may not realize it for some time, but it's in there. Something has been planted on the inside of you, although there is no external physical evidence of that just yet. There are feelings of restlessness, fatigue and sickness. You know that something is going on, but you can't quite put your finger on it. You may start to feel faint. But you must hold on as the maturation process has begun. Where it seem like things once 'flowed' in your life, is now a 'dry' time.

Stage 2
The baby continues to form and take shape as more organs are now forming and beginning to grow. You realize that in order to deliver a healthy baby, you must now feed it properly. In the spiritual realm, you'll need to feed your 'baby' faith, love, joy, and peace all of the essential nutrients for spiritual growth.

You will notice an increase in your appetite as well as your energy level. I can tell you that in a spiritual pregnancy, you want more of God, more of His Word and more of His direction. Your energy level begins to waiver in the sense that you are tired; tired of living a mundane life, tired of all of the foolishness that you have had to endure, tired of not having enough, tired of people who mean you no good, and just plain tired of feeling like you're stuck. All signs that something is brewing on the inside of you.

Stage 3
During this time the organs continue to grow and now you are certainly aware that there is 'new life' on the inside of you. It starts to become recognizable and there are also external signs so that others will begin to notice the change in you. You'll begin to put on some weight (spiritual armour). The seed that was planted is now fully formed, and it just needs all of the required nourishment in order to grow properly.

You'll be less tired although your discomfort level will increase. That is what happens when you have been given a spirtual seed. There will be several things that will cause you to be uncomfortable such as certain foods, certain people, and certain environments. You know that you cannot have your baby anywhere that is not safe. The feelings of protecting what is on the inside of you are at an all time high and you will do whatever it takes to hold on to that life that has formed.

Stage 4
This baby continues to grow and there are more noticeable changes with you. You begin to look, think, feel, act, walk and talk differently. You lay claim to what is now yours by boldly proclaiming 'My baby". You heart now works twice as hard as before, physically and emotionally, as it does what is necessary for the growth of your baby. Spiritually, your capacity to love grows and all you know is that you want to fulfill and bring to life the gift that has been implanted inside of you. How marvelous to experience this kind of love.

Stage 5
During this time, there is an inner protective seal formed around the baby to protect it from the amniotic fluid. Your spiritual inner protection is the Holy Spirit. You may experience some pain or more discomfort. That is the stretching and pulling and growing that is necessary as your 'baby' grows and matures.

Movements from the baby can now be felt. You now begin to really grasp this thing because you now 'feel' it. Subtle movements begin to happen, a phone call here, an email there, an invitation or a revelation springs forth. Ah at last, you finally get it.

Stage 6
As the baby continues to grow, the body has now caught up with the head, which was very large in comparison. There are signs of stretch marks on the body as you are being stretched in every way so that there is ample room for your baby to grow. You may not like it, in fact, you hate all of that stretching and being uncomfortable, but you realize that it is a necessary process, if your baby is going to be all that God has designed for it to be.

Stage 7
The baby's lungs (breath) are expanding and preparing to breathe on their own. The weight and pace at which the baby grows now begins to accelerate The baby's senses have now developed and they can hear and see. This is why it is extremely important to be cautious of what you expose your 'baby' to. You cannot allow negativity or foolishness around your baby. You cannot allow  anyone to speak unhealthy words around your baby. You must keep your baby in an atmosphere that is conducive to what you are trying to produce, which is a healthy, well nourished, God-fearing baby.

During this time, you become even more restless, can't sleep at night. You experience more discomfort as this baby is preparing to make its entrance into your life.

Stage 8
There is rapid growth of your baby now. It is important to continue to feed your baby all of the right things, such as love, faith, joy, peace and prayer. There are also those Braxton Hicks contractions, which will make you think that it is time. But those are 'false' contractions, and you are not ready to deliver just yet. So don't be fooled into plucking up that harvest before it is time. Recognize the 'false' contractions.

The maturation process has sped up as the time of manifestation is drawng nearer. You are on the brink of a breakthrough as you start to have some contractions. Despite the pain, despite what feels like a setback, and despite what you may perceive as a lack of resources, don't give up, cave in or quit. You've come this far by faith, so continue to hang on in there. Sure everything seems out of whack and sometimes it hurts so bad. Although it may be uncomfortable, things don't fit like they used to, people don't fit like they used to, just hang in there. Your baby is about to come. Mount up on wings as an eagle and your strength shall be renewed.

Stage 9
The baby continues to gain weight so that it will be healthy and strong. The lungs are fully maturing so that this baby can breathe new life. You know that the delivery of this baby is at hand so you beome nervous. You can't sleep at night. Everything hurts more and more. Your thoughts are consumed with what your life will be like once this amazing gift is laid upon your breast. You know that once it is here, your life will never be the same. And you want to care for it and continue to raise it to be the best that it can be.

Your body begins to prepare itself for the delivery. As the gateway for delivery expands, things become even more uncomfortable and the pain is like no other that you can compare. The warning signs are there; the plug that was holding it all in, suddenly comes undone and the water springs forth like the dew in the morning. The 'And Suddenlies' of life have released the floodgates and now that baby is about to manifest. This is when you know without a shadow of a doubt that your baby is now ready to make its entrance to the world beyond your womb.

You have prepared yourself and your house for the welcome of this baby. You've cleaned house, you spent money to make sure that this baby has everything that it needs.

Have you noticed that when it's time for a 'baby' to be born, only those who are necessary for the birth are allowed during this time? Everyone in your life is not meant to be a part of this vision, at least not during the time from conception to delivery. God has put in place on those people who are necessary to bring it to past.

So whether you are a man or a woman, a spiritual pregnancy will take you through that same process as that of a physical pregnancy before the birth of that 'baby' is manifested into your world. Now, I am not saying that the manifestation and delivery of your vision will only take 9 stages. What I am saying is that you will go through the different phases before the manifestation of that dream. Is it up to you to recognize these phases as you are in them.

Personally, I will have to say that I am somewhere in between stage 4 and 5. Can you recognize where you are in the maturation process?

Copyright© 2011.


  1. Wow! I have never thought about it all this way. Now I know that what I want has to take time to devlop before it becomes reality. Continue to let God use you.

  2. @Sumthin New..I apologize for the delay in responding to your comment. Thank you for stopping by.


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