Fitness Friday Report- Back on My Journey

Several months ago, I started on this journey to become a healthier me spirit, soul and body. I started out strong and really on a mission to make it happen; watching what I ate, running and working out several times a week, doing things to be mentally and emotionally happy, etc. And the weight was falling off.

But somewhere along the way on that journey, I lost focus which eventually led me off of the healthier path that I was on. And that led to me not doing any of those things that I mentioned above. And of course, that led me gaining back the weight that I had lost.

It had been a while since I last stepped on the scale so I wasn't aware of how quickly the pounds had packed on. It just so happened that on Wednesday morning,

I was feeling 'stuffed', and this was before I had eaten anything. I was feeling heavier, so I decided to pull the scale out to see what the damage was.

And that left me SPEECHLESS!

And even more determined now to get this weight off of me and really become a healthier me. This time, I will stay focused and make this happen.

As a way of being accountable, I am going to take pictures of my weight-in and post them as my Wordless Wednesday blog posts.

Then I will discuss other things that I am doing that are helping me on this journey to a healthier me, on the Fitness Friday Reports, as I am doing today. However, I won't be posting all of the things that I ate throughout the day.

I really want to succeed at this. I must succeed at this. I will succeed at this.

So, there will be NO more of this

But a LOT more of these!

Copyright© 2011.


  1. God tells us in the bible that our bodies are the temple of God. It is indeed difficult to be on a journey of becoming healthier. I encourage you to persevere. The rewards are great. Thank you for this encouraging post.

  2. Hi Patti, I have tried many times before. But this time I am more determined to succeed. That is why I have decided to post the pictures of the scale on Wednesdays as a way of holding myself accountable to my readers.


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