Revelation of 'I AM"

A few nights ago, I had this dream, that I now realize was something I needed to be reminded of. In the dream, I was in sort of a study group session with a couple of people. I was leading the discussion and as I began to quote who God is and what His names represent (example: 'I AM Jehovah Jireh, your Provider, etc.) I realized that those messages were all in present tense. And because we are in His image, He has given us the power to do and be as He is.

When I started saying those things, one of my aunts stood up and said "We should never say I AM or I WILL because we are not God." My response to her was "If you can show me that in the Bible, then I'll give you $20.00." She said OK and went about searching for it. While she was searching, I continued on with what I was saying to the group, each "I AM" becoming a source of revelation to them, everyone except my aunt, who was busy searching for something that was not there.

Here's where it gets more interesting. While I was citing the "I AM" to the group, I went from speaking English, to speaking Hebrew. The reason I know that it was Hebrew was because someone in the group, who knew the language told the others what language I was speaking, because at that point they all had a baffled look on their faces. I had no idea what I was saying to the group, but I just kept speaking what I was led to speak.

When I awoke from that dream, I was still speaking in that same language. Has that ever happened to you, dreaming that you're doing something and when you awaken, you're still doing it, like laughing or crying? Well, when I woke up, I was still speaking in that same language.

Then, the two nights later, I can't remember what I was dreaming, but I woke up at around 4:00 a.m and could not go back to sleep. Beside my bed was a book that I checked out from the library, but had yet to begin to reading it. This night (or wee hours of the morning), I picked it up to read it and WOW!

The book is "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" by Eckhart Tolle (2006). In this book, the author is talking about the EGO and how it can be a major hindrance to living our life's purpose. He goes on to say that our state of being gets tied into the "I", "My" and "Me", all of which is the ego speaking.

"In normal everyday usage, 'I' embodies the primordial error, a misperception of who you are, an illusory sense of identity. This the ego......That illusory self then becomes the basis for all further interpretations, or rather misinterpretations of reality, all thought processes, interactions and relationships. Your reality becomes a reflection of the original illusion."

"The ego tends to equate HAVING with Being: I have, therefore I am. And the more I have, the more I am. The ego lives through comparison. How you are seen by others turns into how you see yourself."

He goes on to explain that our identity is derived from things, through the thoughts of 'me and mine' to designate things that are somehow part of "I". (To get the full gist of what he is saying, I suggest reading the book in its entirety.)

But getting back to the message and the dream, the author states,

"When forms that you had identified with, that gave you a sense of self, collapse or are taken away, it can lead to a collapse of the ego, since the ego is identification with form. When there is nothing to identify with anymore, WHO ARE YOU?"

"When forms around you die or death approaches, your sense of BEING, of I AM, is freed from its entanglement with form. Spirit is released from its imprisonment in matter. You realize your essential identity as formless, as an all-pervasive PRESENCE, of BEING prior to all forms, all identifications. You realize your true identity as consciousness itself, rather than what consciousness had identified with.

That's the PEACE of GOD. The ultimate truth of WHO YOU ARE is NOT I am this or I am that, but I AM."

Wow! Did you get that? I mean, did you really get it? Read it few more times, until you do.

Needless to say that since the dream preceeded my reading this book, there was an obvious message in their for me.

1) Referencing God and who He is identified as in the scriptures, was a reminder that He is "I AM."
2) Knowing that God has created us in His likeness, who we are is also in the revelation of "I AM" which is a state of BEING, which is in present tense.
3) Our state of Being (I AM) should remain in the here and now, NOT in the "I WAS" or " I WILL BE" or the I HAD or I WILL HAVE.
4) My aunt speaking out against that, was a representation of society resisting this revelation of truth and will therefore try to hinder its progression in this revelation.
5) Speaking in another language, which I didn't understand, represents the unknown as travels continue on this spiritual journey. But resist the urge to quit because of the 'not knowing' the outcome.
6) Remain diligent and stay the course.

All of these messages ring true for me and I can clearly see how my egoic state of mind was hindering me in some aspects of my life. In some regards, I had clearly identified my self and self worth, with things and how others perceived me. It's easy to say that I didn't do that, but that would telling a lie, to myself and also to you. When you're truly on a journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment, some ugly truths will lift themselves from the muck and mirick and cause you to face some harsh realities. I like to call them growing pains.

I could say that I saw this coming from a mile away and I did. But I didnt want to deal with this truth, so I chose to ignore it. But after that dream and then being led to actually pick up this book, which I checked out from the library weeks ago, I knew that the time had finally come to look in the mirror and face this collision head on and release the ties that I had identified myself with; People, Places and THINGS.

I am PRESENT in my BEING, therefore I AM.

"I am Master of My Fate: Captain of My Soul"

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