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There has been much talk and speculation about what will happen on December 21, 2012. Speculations that the world will end; that time will cease to exist; or that this is a transformational period as old things will end to make way for new ones.
I am more inclined to believe the latter speculation, which is that this is indeed a transformational period. I have been seeing it happen over the past five years with people, places and things all around me, myself included. There is a 'shifting' in the atmosphere that is causing changes in our world as we know it. Changes that, if we just flow with them, will usher us into a new phase in our lives. These changes will shift us into a higher level of consciousness and will most certainly elevate our faith to a whole new level.
I was listening to the V-103 this morning, which is a local radio station here in Atlanta, as the morning hosts of the show, Frank Ski and Wanda Smith signed off after 14 years of keeping Atlanta in the know with their show. It was a bittersweet moment when, last week, they announced that they had come to the end of the road on this station and they were looking forward to new, bigger and better things that God has in store for them. Frank admitted that something had been stirring in him for the past couple of months and he knew that a change was coming. I am surmised to say that the 'something' was God, shifting him out of the old so that he can move him into position for the plans that He has for Frank's life. And Wanda's too.
Sometimes, God has to agitate us in order to activate us. That's when the restlessness will come. You will find yourself uncomfortable or frustrated, yet you cannot put a finger on why. That is God definitely agitating you so that He can get you to move. This reminded of the line in the movie, Maid in Manhattan, where the head butler told Jennifer Lopez's character, "Sometimes we're forced forced in directions that we ought to have taken for ourselves." That line has stuck with me since I heard it and I have lived it. Whenever I start to get agitated or frustrated about something, I get in a place of stillness to see if it is God getting my attention about something.
Word of advise: When God is telling you it is time for you to move, do it.
And I have no doubt that what He has planned will be more than either of them could have ever imagined. They both said that right now, they aren't sure what God's next move is for them, but they're stepping out on faith. That's what faith is; the not knowing and not seeing, but you move anyway. It is the assurance that although you can't see what's about to happen next, you trust God enough to know that He will stay true to who He is, the Omnipotent (all powerful), Omniscient ( all knowing) One and that everything will happen just as it should. That's faith.
Two and half years ago, I was in the exact same place that Frank and Wanda are in right now. It can be very scary and at times, doubt will creep in. But, I was determined to move when God told me that it was time to move. I was willing to take that leap of faith, come what may because I was more concerned with living according to His plan for my life, than my making a dollar. And yes, money was very tight, but I've have yet to lack anything. I'm just keep it real. He has sustained me every step of the way, for the righteous is never forsaken.
So, back to this ending of one era as a new one begins. It is happening, whether you believe in it or not. Think about people who you know that have just 'thrown caution to the wind' and did something that everyone else probably thought they were crazy for doing? Craziness or Faithfulness?
This old era ending is really shifting paradigms, our old way of thinking and old patterns of beliefs. It is ending our 'sleepwalking' (living unconsciously), the need to be led by our egos, the need to gratify self and the focus on material things. The new era ushers us into a more conscious living, awareness and a period of wanting to help others and a state of gratitude. You see, God's plan for our lives, is never just about us. It is ALWAYS about helping others. ALWAYS. And that is what this shift is all about.
Now, my questions to you are:
Are you ready for your life to transform?
Has there been a 'stirring' or restlessness in you that you just cant shake?
Would you be willing to take that leap of faith, even though you don't know what tomorrow has in store for you?
Could you take that leap of faith, even though you may not know where your next paycheck will come from?
Or are you the person who has to ALREADY know what God has planned, where you will go, what you will do and where your money will come from, before you move?
You have the free will to choose, so make that choice today.
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You are Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion.
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