A Message to the Messengers

You have been called to share your message. If the people who are 

around you everyday do not want to hear it, that is ok. There are 

over 7,000,000,000 people in this world. Do NOT limit 

yourself to just the 5 people in your inner circle or the 500 friends 

on Facebook or the 5000 friends on Twitter or the 500 followers on 


Beyond those people there are still 6,999,993,995+ people who you 

can share your message with. So continue to raise your voice by 

expanding your vision and sharing the call and the message that you 

have been gifted with. Believe me when I say that it will reach the 

very people who need to hear it.

Thanks for reading. Leave a comment and feel free to share this post. 

You are Destined for Purpose: Empowered by Passion.


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