Something to think about....at least for me.
I was just sitting here reading my Twitter timeline and someone mentioned that the word 'camino' means way, road or journey. I found that interesting since I while I was in Arizona working, the name of the street where I lived had the word camino in it.
So I decided to see what the other word, 'seco' meant and here is what it means; dry, dull, thin,lean.
I really find it interesting that the name of the road that I lived on there meant 'dry journey or dull road because that is exactly what I was experiencing there. When I arrived back in my hometown and reflected back on my experience out there in Arizona, I realized that the whole journey was my sort of 'Eat, Pray, Love' experience, my journey towards spiritual renewal. It was about getting to a quiet place, in my apartment alone, reflecting, studying, praying, coaching and truly opening my heart to love for everyone. That was all that I desired to do in the desert so I did.
That dry journey and all of the free time that I had to myself gave me the opportunity to look inside my soul. It gave me the opportunity to really see myself the way that God sees me. Looking back now, I truly see that my experience out there was definitely a spiritual one.
I believe that is why I was sent there because there was nothing else there that was normally of interest to me, meaning that it was not a place that I would have chosen for me to go for a year. But God knew better and just what and where I needed to be during that time. The journey did serve its purpose just as it was suppose to.
And I did eat more Mexican food than I have ever eaten in my life.
Hmmmm! A 'dry journey' in the desert that revitalized my spirit.
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You are Destined for Purpose: Empowered by Passion.
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