Let's Make a Difference Today

"We can have rage. We can have anger. But what's next?" - Roland Martin

I agree with Roland. We have to move beyond the hurt, the rage and the anger and figure out what the next steps should be. Here are some things that I suggest:

1. VOTE in EVERY ELECTION, not just the general election for president. Yes, we need to be more serious about getting out to the polls, especially during those mid-term elections where quite a few of the policymakers are running for office and are elected, many times unopposed. This is a crucial time people. This past election was so disappointing as less than 50% of registered voters went to the polls to vote. The Prosecutor in the Mike Brown case has been in office since 1991 and has mostly run UNOPPOSED during this time which is sad considering the demographics of the region. Seriously!!!!

2. Get involved in our own communities. Stop passing the buck, sitting around waiting on others to do something. YOU do something. You DO NOT have to be a politician or run for office to make a difference right outside your own front and back door. There are a countless number of ways to get involved in YOUR community to make a difference not just for children or seniors, but for everyone.

3. Become a MENTOR to someone child or adult. Yes, even some adults need mentoring. Take the experiences from your test and trials and let them be used to help someone else. Don't be afraid to share your experience with others. You never know who your mess (message) can help. Your tests are now your testimony to help guide others along. This goes back to EACH ONE REACH ONE.

4. Instead of being so consumed with "REALITY" on TV, let's be even more consumed with the REALITY of what is happening all around us. VOLUNTEER in some way. You are needed. That is the reality.

5. Open your heart and give; give of yourself including your time, your resources, your wisdom and knowledge and many instances donate some of your money. Economic empowerment in our own community is vitally important and necessary because it is a resource that can be leveraged to further our cause.

6. Whether you know it or not, we have economic power, as in buying power. We are one of the largest, if not THE largest consumer group and they can't wait for this holiday season to begin, especially on Black Friday because they know that we will rise early, wait in line for hours, risk being stampeded and go in debt during this time. And for what? Let's put our money where our mouth is. Let's support ‪#‎HandsUpDontSpend‬ on Black Friday as many leaders in our community are calling for.

7. And we must PRAY because we need to remain diligent, faithful, strengthened, hopeful, forgiving, knowledgeable, and encouraged. And none of these things would be possible without communications with the Almighty God.

8. Just as we share meaningLESS things on social media, let's share the meaningFUL things as well. Please share and pass this message on to others. Let's start making a difference, today.

Cassandra Crane

Thanks for reading. Leave a comment and feel free to share this post. You are Destined for Purpose: Empowered by Passion. Cass C

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