Reinventing Self, Step 3- Abandon Fear

Reinventing self is not an easy task. There are all the changes, the ups and downs, the good, bad and ugly, the self awareness and challenges. As you can imagine, all of these things can and will cause some sort of fear to set in; particularly if you do not yet know what the end result will be. This cause a lot of people to abandon their mission all together. The minute they hit a low, they give up. The minute they hit a speed bump, instead of slowing down, they make a u-turn and abandon the mission of reinventing themselves.

Know this for sure, there will be some curve balls thrown at you while going through this reinventing process. Reinventing is a process and a true remake does not happen overnight. It is a process, a transition, that is taking place, cutting out all of the bad and the ugly in order to make room for the good and the beautiful. You are making over something that is important to you, otherwise you wouldn't waste the time doing it.

So, you have abandon the fear of not knowing the end result. Everything is not meant to be revealed to you all at once. That is why Faith is important. With Faith, not knowing EXACTLY what the finale will be is ok, because you know that it will work out for your best. As a matter of fact, the finale will be greater than you could ever imagine. Your part in this process is to seek the vision by seeking God, and to keep moving, even if that means taking small baby steps. Just keep taking those small steps one at a time. Even the smallest steps count, but you have to set yourself in motion.

Sandstone: Copyright © 2010.

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