Reinventing Self, Step 4- Letting Go of Others

The next thing that you will need to realize in the process of making over yourself is to realize that other people are not in the same place that you are when it comes to you making changes in your life. That's OK. This is about YOU and becoming who YOU were meant to be.

One thing that I know for sure, is that everyone will not agree with the reinvented you. Some folks will fall by the wayside as you continue to climb this staircase of reinvention. They will cop attitudes, throw tantrums, stop speaking, not want to hang out with you, 'un-friend' you on Facebook and all other tactics to try to get you to give in to not changing. You now have to develop the 'so be it' attitude when it comes to all of those things. Don’t let them throw toxins in your new mix with all of their antics. You are working on something, a new and revised you. So, if they can't get with your program, let them go. Either you say bye-bye or allow them to say it and walk away. But do it in a nice way such as writing them a goodbye letter or email message. Some separations will require conversations, either face to face or over the phone. You can do it. Always remain the mature one in everything you do. You'll reap greater rewards.

So as the old year, 2010 comes to an end and the new year is peeping around the corner, make the decision that you are going to stick with your plan of reinventing yourself, for yourself. Have a firm understanding that everyone cannot and will not be a part of this journey. That’s OK. You just keep going higher. Besides, you will meet more people who are on that same path as you and will develop even better relationships.

You have to let go of some folks in order to make room for some new folks.  Something on the inside of you has been telling you, fo a while now, that you need to let them go. You know who they are and you know what that something on the inside of you was too. That feeling wont go away until those folks have been released. I know about this from personal experiences.

Sandstone: Copyright © 2010.

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