Reinventing Self, Step 5- Do It At Your Own Pace

After you've made the decision to remake parts or all of your self, realize that the makeover will not occur overnight. Therefore, you do not have to rush through this process to try to make it happen overnight. Do this at your own pace. You know better than anyone else how much you want this and how quickly you want to get there. So you determine the pace at which you journey through this process.

Also, change is not easy. I don't know which area of your life you want to reinvent, whether it is your lifestyle, your career, your relationships, your education, etc. But I do know that change is not an easy thing to do. Realize that this change should and will take you out of your comfort zone. If not, you would have done it a long time ago. Change is uncomfortable and will cause you to meet challenges in ways that you didn’t know were in you.

There have been some seeds planted on the inside of you that are just itching to spring forth like the morning dew. That's why you are having the feelings that you are. That's why you realized that some things that you thought you wanted and couldn't live without, are really not what you wanted at all. That's why you are restless and frustrated with the way things are now. Those seeds that were planted in you from the beginning have been prodding and nudging you. There are those feeling of restlessness. But you somehow ignored them because there were other things and other people that you thought you wanted. Now you can't seem to 'shake' that feeling that there is so much more to you, than what you see before you. And you are absolutely right. There is a lot more to you and your life. And you, my dear, have the power to change it.

So, as you begin this process, let's recap what you need to know about this journey of reinventing yourself.

1) Know what you want. You cannot begin the process until you know what it is that you want to reinvent. Identify it. See it with your imagination. Speak it with the words of your mouth.

2) Write the vision. Write down your plans for reinventing your life. Create a vision board. Having pictures of what you've seen with you imagination certainly helps you to stay focused on what you're striving for.

3) Abandon fear. Fear will paralyze you and keep you from moving. Keep moving, even the smallest of steps count and will take you higher and closer to that which you desire.

4) Let go of others. Everyone cannot go with you on this journey. You already know who they are. Release them and let them go.

5) Do it at your own pace. You know the speed of change that is right for you.

Are you ready? Ok, now let the process begin. Keep me posted on the progress and of course if you have any questions or just need some encouragement, I am here to assist.

Sandstone: Copyright © 2010.

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