4 Ways to Set Your Intentions

"It was through self-examination that I found the root cause of disappointment: not stating your true intentions very clearly at the outset of any endeavor. When you fail to do that, and when you fail to let everyone involved know exactly what it is you want, chances are you will disappointed."

~~ Inyanla Vanzant, In the Meantime

I know you've heard people say that you have to set your intentions. But do you know what that means? If so, do you know how to set YOUR intentions?

Let's start by defining 'intentions'. Intention is something that you have in mind to do or have, that you will take aim at. It is directing the mind to act on something.

This is different from 'goals' which is defined as the result or achievement toward which effort is directed. Intention is having the mind to DO or HAVE something specific, while goal is basically, the result or achievement of that intention.

To set your intentions means that you have clearly defined what it is that you want to accomplish. Setting intentions is a proactive process. It is BELIEVING in the possibility, SPEAKING aloud what you want to manifest, ACTING in some way that is consistent with what you want, and RELEASING it to God to bring it to past.

Get a clear thought about what it is that you want to direct your mind to do. Be clear about it and write it down if necessary. Just know in your heart what you are truly desiring. You must believe in the possibility of it before it can manifest for you.

Speak your intention out loud or share your intention with someone who will hold you accountable to taking action. Words are powerful and when spoken aloud, can have a profound effect on the speaker. Spoken words are a powerful force that we would do well to use to our own advantage and propel us to achieving the things we desire.

Do something today to demonstrate your commitment to your intention. Actions are necessary to bring about the manifestation of the intentions that you're setting. The book of James in the Holy Scriptures spells it out clearly for us, "Faith without works is dead" (Holy Bible, James 2:20). Works are actions. In other words, you can have all the faith you want, but if you don't DO something, your faith will remain sight unseen. Actions are supportive of what we are desiring to manifest, so get busy. Delayed action is just like taking no action. The sooner you act, the sooner manifestation is realized.

Acknowledge that you did what you said you would and then, take the next step, which is to trust God by releasing the outcome to Him. You must believe and allow Him to deliver those desires to you. You've done your part, now trust that He will not fail you or disappoint you.

There may be times when it seems as if nothing is happening, the manifestation is not happening quick enough. Do Not give up. Stay the course. You've come this far. It is all a setup. You've combined actions with your faith, now add on trust in God to that.  Things are being set up for you and they will be greater than you could have imagined.

My advice to you would be to start each day with SETTING YOUR INTENTIONS. At the end of each day, review what you've accomplished that day. Develop a routine of setting intentions before you rise out of the bed. Then get up and go make those things happen.

"Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion"

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