31 Days of No TV

I currently have several projects going on, some with due dates this month. That means I am in total 'focus' mode. I have the blinders on and can only see straight ahead.

I needed to rearrange some things in my day-to-day, in order to be more focused on the tasks at hand. One thing that I did was to rearrange the furniture in my bedroom. Before, the bed was facing away from the window, so my back was turned away from the light. Now, the head of the bed is on a side wall so that when I wake in the mornings, I can immediately look outside because I keep the blinds open. This creates positive energy for me.

I did some other rearranging and cleaning as well. One other thing that I did was to remove the smaller  desk from my bedroom also. I think that just having that desk there, with the laptop on it, was draining my energy. Every time I looked at it, I went "ughhhh'. That's not good. So, I took it out. No more working in the bedroom. I'm more energized just by doing that alone.

Another decision that I made to give me more energy and to keep me focused, is to not watch any tv for the entire month of May. The tv can make a person lazy and can be a huge energy drainer (at least for me), so I'm going to stay away from it for this month. As a matter of fact, I put the remote control away. It is usually kept on the tv stand or the night stand next to the bed. But now, it is placed on the shelf in the top of the closet.

There are only three shows that I watch regularly any way and all three of those shows will air their season finales this month. But, that's okay because all three of them also have their full episodes on their websites. So, next month, I can go back and watch the episodes that I missed.

That also means that I'm really going to have to limit the amount of time that I spend on the social networks: Facebook, Twitter, etc. I don't want any episode spoilers for my favorite shows and that will happen if I'm on these sites because I 'follow' them. I'll just wait until next month to get caught up.

Besides, if one is not careful, these sites can suck you in, and before you know it, you've spent hours, basically doing nothing while on these sites. Been there, done that.

By making these changes, I am creating a more positive atmosphere, which allows me to concentrate better, thereby getting more work done. What are some things that you do to help you focus better?

Also, if you who would like join me for 31 days of no tv, let me know, so that we can keep each encouraged? Come on, you can do it!

Posted by Cassandra Crane~ All Copyrights© reserved~ 2011-2015.

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