30-Day Gratitude Journal- Day 2

Today is Thursday, but for some reason, it felt like Saturday to me. I kept making references to it being Saturday and tomorrow being Sunday. I even planned what I was planning to cook 'tomorrow' for Sunday dinner. Hilarious!

It is now time to list at least 5 things that I am grateful/thankful for:

1) For the kindness of the two gentlemen who were very kind to me today. One worked in the meat market and the other in Walmart. The sweet guy in Walmart, bless his heart, was running around the store for me looking for something that I had asked about. While he was doing that, I found what I needed. So, when he came back, tired, I held it up and showed it to him. He just stood there and smiled. And it was genuine.

2) That my nephew has recovered from a scary occurrence that happened last night. He returned from the hospital this morning and he is ok.

3) That I am learning a little more about those techy things out in cyberspace.

4) That my sister and I are more like best buds than sisters. None of the sibling rivalry stuff.

5) For summer fun on the horizon. Beginning tomorrow, through the end of July, I have planned activities for every weekend. Did I mention that it will be EVERY weekend. Whewwww! Let the fun begin!

Now it's your turn. What 5 things are you grateful/thankful for today?

"Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion"

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