30-Day Gratitude Journal- Day 29

Today has been a fulfilling day emotionally and spiritually. And I greatly express my graitude for everything that happened.

1) Sharing the goodness of God with others through prayer and mediation. We stand victorious because of who we are in Him.

2) For following my passion. I am blessed to be a blessing and that just adds fuel to fire of passion.

3) Being invited as a featured speaker on the Angel in Distress internet radio program. We will be discussing the subject of peace, What Disturbed Your Peace?.  The program airs on Thursday, June 30, 2011 at 11 pm EST/8 pm PST and you can join us by clicking here

4) Right now as I am typing this post, I am also listening to a recording of Dr. Joe Vitale on attracting more of what you want in your life. Good stuff!

5) For being in a place of 'giving'. It is an honor and a pleasure to be able to give good to others. When you give with a pure heart, your heart is opened to receive.

6) And I have to add one more. I am so thankful for the angels of God protecting my sister today and everyday that she is out there protecting and serving the citizens of our community.

"Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion"

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