I decided to write this special gratitude post early because the revelation just hit me this morning.
A couple of weeks ago, I watched the documentary called The Secret which is about the Law of Attraction. What I took away from that was that it was no secret at because it is all Biblical based.
Another thing that I took from that was inspiration from Lisa Nichols. Until that time, I had only heard of her in passing, but had not heard her speak or knew her story. Well, since that time of watching that documentary, I have been listening to some audio and video recordings of her and set an intention to hear her speak in person soon.
Well, remember what I said in this post about God changing my plans for church on Sunday and I went to visit another church instead? Well, here is how I know that it was in fact, God-orchestrated. When the Bishop came out to speak, he gave some brief announcements. One of those announcements was that he had some FREE tickets for the largest African American business conference that was taking place right here in the Atlanta area on Friday and Saturday of this week. And guess who is one of speakers for this conference? That's right, Lisa Nichols. I had absolutely no idea that this was even happening this weekend. So, when I heard that, I nudged my sister and told her about my recent activities with listening to Lisa's recordings.
Needless to say I was excited when he said that the tickets were first come, first serve and that each ticket would admit two people. After service, after going down to speak with the Bishop and his wife, I went out to the front desk to get my ticket. I could only get a ticket for either Friday's session or Saturday's session, but apparently not both. Well, not knowing when Lisa was going to be speaking on the program, I just went with Saturday, since I already had plans for Friday to celebrate my birthday.
Well. yesterday, I searched for the conference details on the internet. And guess what I found out? That's right, Lisa is scheduled to speak on Saturday. Yayyyyyy! Last night, I was speaking with my mom about this whole thing as she and I were watching a video of Lisa. I told her about all of it, when it started a couple of weeks ago, up until that moment we were talking. But wait, it doesn't stop there.
I mean, I am just excited. I went to bed excited, I woke up excited. And guess what else happened, that nearly blew me away?
Wait for it...............
As I've mentioned before, my vision board is placed strategically where I can see it while I am laying in bed. Well this morning, for the first time ever, I noticed that I had place a picture of Lisa Nichols right in the center of my vision board. I had never noticed this before, because I didn't know who she was then.
Here is the link where I posted my vision board, months ago.
And here is a close up shot of that section.
Wow! As I said before, I really didnt even know who this very inspiring woman was, but at the time that I was creating that board, I knew that the picture of her standing there, arms stretched wide, addressing an audience, was someone who I represented exactly what I saw myself doing. And now, I get to see her in person, for FREE.
Did you notice that Oprah is also on my vision board? Next up.....................
People, when I tell you that if you just take steps and do the action items that I write about on this blog, you will see the changes in your life. I don't just write these things for you, but I actually do each of them myself. Everything that I write on here is inspired by God, so I know that they aren't just meant for me, but to effectively affect your life as well.
And for all of this Father, I say thank you, thank you, thank you.
"Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion"
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