Does God Operate in TIME?

Ealier today I was having a conversation with a friend when she mentioned something to me that really fueled my fire about something else that I had been thinking about: TIME

During our conversation she mentioed a discussion that she had with some other women at a church function recently. When she mentioned to them that they should set a time limit or time frame for their goals, one of the women quickly pointed out that "you can't put a time limit on God

because He doesn't operate based on our time."

How many times have we heard that before? I know that I cannot even begin to count the number of times that I've heard it.

Let me mention that I know the woman she was referring to and I can just see her now, with one hand on her hip and snapping away with the other

But, you know what, on one hand she was right, in the fact that we can't time God because He does not operate based on our time. Or does He?

There are a million examples that I can use to show you how God does indeed operate in time and how He in fact set time in place of us. But, I'll only give you one or two or three, for the purpose of this blog

1) It takes 9 months or 40 weeks from the time of conception to the time of delivery, for a baby to grow and mature in its mother's womb.......Time

2) The sun rises and sets everyday, within a 24-hour time period......Time

3) The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus all occurred in 3 days...Time

And those are all based on God's timing, not man's.

Oh, another quote that I've heard people say many times, is that God is always right on time. Have you heard that one before?

So, how is He ON TIME if He does not operate IN TIME?

ON TIME based on what and whose timing?

Can I get any Ministers of the Gospel to answer that one for me?

Why is it that the word TIME is referenced 703 times (in variable uses) in the King James Version of the Bible from Genesis to Revelations?

Let's define the word Time: (You know I believe in defining)

Time- (Noun) The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. (Verb) Plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should happen or be done

Hmmm! Isn't past, present and future all representative of time?

O.K. So what if God does NOT operate in time, our time? Didn't He give it to us for use? Why do we have years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds, if they were not to be used by mankind? What other purpose would they serve, if not for us to embody them into our continued progress of existence?

Just something to think about.

And based on the definition of the word, there is absolutely nothing wrong with setting time limits or time frames for goals, events, or anything that you desire.  That's just one of the ways to keep you focused and serve as a reminder that we need time to operate in our lives.

Can you imagine what life would be like without the existence of time? What the world would be like?

"Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion"

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