Yesterday marked the end of the 31 days of No TV. I decided that for the entire month of May, I would not watch any television programming and I must say that I really didn't miss it as much as some people thought that I would. By doing other things during the time that I would have been in front of the TV, gave me the opportunity to do and think about some other things. As a result of that, here are some things that I realized I know for sure.
Conscious Mind vs Subconscious Mind
- The Conscious Mind is only 10% of our mind and that is how much we actually use on a daily basis. It is what we use to make decisions, analyze and solve problems. For example, it is that part of your mind that is working now, as you're reading this and trying to figure out what the heck I'm talking about.
- Now, the Subconscious Mind makes up the other 90%. It is the part of the mind that is unaware, that affects our thoughts, actions and emotions. The Conscious Mind makes those decisions from the data that has been store in our Subconscious Mind. For example, we subconsciously do things without having to think about them. Things such as eating, getting dressed, using the bathroom, etc. Because we are so used to doing these things, we don't have to give them much thought, but we just do them.
- My point in all of this is to say that we are programmed to do, say, feel, and think a certain way, based on what our subconscious mind is receiving and storing. If you want to see changes in your life, RE-PROGRAM your Subconscious Mind, by RE-PROGRAMMING your Conscious Mind.
- Good things in equals good things out. By the same token, foolishness in equals foolishness out. And yes, part of this is in reference to the foolishness on TV. And when that stuff gets rooted and grounded in a person's spirit and soul, guest what begins to manifest outward? We must be careful what we feed our minds and our hearts....I'm just saying!
**I've been doing some research on the Law of Attraction and guest what? The Secret is not a secret at all.
- The Law of Attraction is a scientific principle: Ask for what you want, Believe that the Universe will grant your request, then Receive it by acting like you already have it. It is scientific because it states that the energy (or vibe) that you put out, is what you're going to receive back. Like attracts like.
- But isn't that, in fact, based on the Biblical principle of Mark 11:24, Therefore I tell you, whatever you ASK for in prayer, BELIEVE that you have RECEIVED it, and it WILL BE yours.
- Both of these principles are saying the same thing. The key to manifestation is in how you RECEIVE what you have asked for. In other words, it is about the FEELINGS that you have after you get what you ask for. In the case of the Law of Attraction and the Bible, you have to ACT as if you ALREADY HAVE IT.
- If you asked me for a $1,000,000 and I placed it in your hand (received) , how would you react? Then that is how you should act before you actually see it. FAITH is BELIEVING and RECEIVING.
- I have done my homework on this and I am working on a major piece that will tie these two together. The scripture above is just one of many that proves this. So stay tuned for this...I'm coming at you!
- God is Omnipotent (All Ruling, Almighty),
- Omniscient (All Knowing),
- Omnipresent (All Present, Everywhere),
- The Creator of the Heavens and Earth (Isaiah 44:24, Colossians 1:16-17).
- He is the Creator of ALL things, including the Universe. Don't get so bent out of shape when people reference the term "The Universe" because God created that too......I'm just saying!
During this time of No TV, I had the chance to check out the messages of other "motivational and inspirational' folks. Now, I'm not trying to knock anybody, but there are a lot of people, who are supposed to be 'motivational' who harbor on the negative. A lot of postings that I read are about the "negative" aspects in people's lives. I'm sure that they mean well in what they're trying to get folks to realize. But, if that's all you have to bring to them, then guess what they're going to be focused on? People's mind tend to go straight to the very thing that you're talking about, whether it's positive or negative.. So change it up and send them positive messages using positive phrases and affirmations....I'm just saying!
Oprah's Final Episode
Because of no TV, I missed Oprah's farewell speech (I love me some Oprah). I didn't see her last episode, but I certainly heard a lot about it on the radio, including the Gospel Radio station replaying excerpts from it over and over. I wish that I could find the video of it online somewhere. When Oprah was asked how she was able to do it all, she said, "My team and JESUS." Enough said Oprah......I'm just saying.
About Me
**I am 'deeper' than even I realized. But I don't share a lot of things on this blog because it would defeat the 'purpose' of blog which is to provide simple and practical tips and ways to help people change their lives. If the things that I share on this blog, have a positive effect on just ONE person who reads it, then mission accomplished. To effectively affect the lives of people, you must take one step at a time, affecting one person at a time.
**I am a 'Special Kind of Woman" who needs a "Special Kind of Man". Those who qualify, "Apply Inside". Those who DO qualify will know what that means. Those who DON'T, well, you already know.......I'm just saying.
**The number 8 has been involved in every major 'event' that has occurred in my life, either directly or indirectly. The number 8 is associated with Resurrection and Regeneration, the beginning of a new era or order. It means a new beginning. And I feel like I have a new beginning right now. Thank you Father for the number 8.
- I made a list of everything that I deemed SIGNIFICANT in my life and I included the dates of each one. It was at that time when I noticed that the #8 stood out.
- Here are just a few examples:
- My birthday.......................June 8
- Son's birthday...................April 28, 1989
- 1st Grand baby's birthday...............July 22, 2008
- 2nd Grand baby's birthday.............December 8, 2009
- There are more all including the #8, events such as wedding, divorce, graduations, parents, and other major factors and occurrences in my life. Have you thought about which number has significance in your life?
** I am living in a 'state of thankfulness'. I am ever grateful for so many things and I am in a constant state of remembrance of this.
OK, there you have it folks, things that I know or have learned in the past 31 days. Now, I challenge you to make one change that will have cause a deeper sense of awareness in your own life.....I'm just saying!
"Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion"
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