The Law of Attraction: A Biblical Principle- Acting As If

RECEIVING = Acting As If + Gratitude

We have learned how the Law of Attraction compares to the Bible when it comes to Asking (ThoughtsFeelings + Speaking) and Believing (Faith + Letting Go). Now we will cover the third component of this principle, which is RECEIVING.

Mark 11:24
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them

Mark 11:24 (NLT)
I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours

This scripture tells us to believe that we already have what we desire. It says to believe that we have it, we own, we possess it, NOW!

It does NOT say to believe that we will have it someday. That is not faith; that is wishful thinking. Faith says that because we believe that we have it , that is our proof that it will manifest.
So what do you do once you have received something that you ask for? For example, if you ASKED me for $1500 and I placed that money in your hands, what is the next thing that you would do?

1) Would you be excited about receiving what you asked for? Yes, you would!

2) Would you express gratitude and give thanks for receiving what you asked for? Yes, you would!

3) Would you continue to stand there and keep asking me for that same $1500, when you already have it? Of course NOT!

And this is what I want to discuss in this post. You see, once you RECEIVE something that you ask for, you do NOT have to keep ASKING for it. If you're continuing to ASK for it, then you really don't BELIEVE that you've already RECEIVED it, and that is not faith.

Let's look at another example.

Using the example of ordering a cup of coffee that we discussed in a previous post. Once you've placed your order for the coffee that you want, do you continue going to the counter to order that same cup of coffee over and over again? No, you do not.

You know that you've already asked for that coffee so now you prepare yourself for it. First you take action by paying for it (that is you necessary action step). Then you gather your condiments such as napkins, cream, sugar, etc and wait for you coffee.  Gathering those items for the coffee, was you "Acting As If" because you know that at any minute now, the physical reality of that cup of coffee will be in your hands and you will smell it's sweet aroma and taste the sweet boldness of it.

That is what I mean by acting as if you already have it. You prepare yourself for it's physical manifestation, but in your heart, it is already there, in your possession. So, there is really no reason to keep going back and asking God for the same thing, over and over again. He knows that your doing that is not faith and now you know that it is not faith.

I remember when I ASKED for my house. I BELIEVED that I RECEIVED the house, so what did I do? I went out and bought things for my house. I picked wall colors to be painted in each room (absolutely no white walls in my house). I picked out carpet colors (wall to wall carpet except kitchen and baths). I ordered new furniture for the living room. And I did all of that before I even went to the closing; before I signed one sheet of paper. By acting as if that house was already mine, the physical reality of it had to show up. And all of my efforts were sweatless. Everything was smooth sailing because of my faith.

So go ahead and RECEIVE what you desire by acting as if you already have what you desire. Receive it by speaking as if you have it. Feel as if you have it. Think as if you have it. Take actions to prove that you've actually received it. Then wait patiently for its manifestation.

How Long Does It Take to Manifest?
That depends on you. Are you prepared mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and in some instances, financially, for what you have asked for? God will not give you something that you can not handle. It’s up to you to be fully prepared to receive the physical reality of that thing. When you are ready for it, then you will receive it. So that means that how long it takes for it manifest will depend on you.

There are also some other components that will speed up the manifestation of your heart's desire such as Love, Gratitude and Forgiveness. We will cover those topics in the next post.

So while you're waiting for it to be a physical thing in your life, here is something that you can be doing to prepare yourself spiritually.

2 Peter 1:5-7 (AMP)
5) For this very reason, adding your diligence [to the divine promises], employ every effort in exercising your faith to develop virtue (excellence, resolution, Christian energy), and in exercising virtue develop knowledge (intelligence),

6) And in exercising knowledge develop self-control, and in exercising self-control develop steadfastness (patience, endurance), and in exercising steadfastness develop godliness (piety),

7) And in exercising godliness develop brotherly affection, and in exercising brotherly affection develop Christian love.

By "Acting As If" and also doing all of the things in 2 Peter 1, you are now positioning and preparing yourself to actually see, feel, touch, smell and hear your heat's desire. So get busy because you want to make sure that you are fully prepared for its arrival.

The next post will be on Gratitude and the importance of being grateful. That is instrumental in receiving what you desire. 

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