My 2012 Reflections

As I prepare for a new year, there are so many things that this old year has taught me. I reflect back on where I was a year ago and where I am now, more so spiritually than anything else. This year has taught me so much about myself, lessons that I didn't think that I needed to learn. But lo and behold, there they were staring me straight in the eye and there was nowhere to run. So, I faced them, with tears of joy and sadness. Some were lessons that made me smile such as my desire to love everyone regardless. Regardless! Such a powerful term. No matter who they are, how they are or where they are, regardless! Even though that put a smile in my heart, it was a hard lesson to learn.

Then there were those lessons that brought tears of sadness as I had to face some hard realities about myself and my life. Most would not understand it or me. But I realized that it is okay and my life will continue on this journey that I chose to travel. I realized that I am going to have to put some distance between myself and some folks who have been in my life. I love them, but seasons change and this one certainly has. So, shall it be.

I also realized that I need to give up my need to control everyone and every situation. I realized that everyone is not like me. We all have our own way of being and our own way of doing things. I've come to accept that I had to release my need to control the behavior and actions of others. There came a sense of peace over me once I realized this. It made me realize that I was causing unnecessary stress on myself by wanting to do this and frankly it was stressing me out. But now, I am in such a place of peace about it.

There were so many rumors and predictions about what would happen on December 21, 2012. For me, I realized that it was a time of old things passing away and behold all things became new in my life. I have a new way of thinking, a new way of acting, a new way of communicating, just a new way. It was much needed at this time, as I felt myself somehow in a position of resistance and fight. Now, I am no longer resisting and I am no longer fighting about anything. A release, a sort of surrender has taken place, as it was very necessary for my growth.

So, from this moment on, I am in a place of peace. I am made whole. I am one with the Father. And nothing is too hard for me. This got me to thinking about a very familiar passage in the Bible,

Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 

Hmmmm! For the first time in my life, I read this passage with a new understanding. First, it did not say 'Jesus", but it mentioned Christ. So, I began to wonder why. Then the answer came to me. See, Christ represents the Anointed One and His anointing that He empowered us with. So when I began to understand this and read it from this perspective, I realized that it was saying that I can do anything as long as I am one with the Anointed One and the Anointing that was on His life is also on mine. It means having a christ-conscious and doing things righteously as in how He would do them. In doing so, there is absolutely NO thing that is impossible for me to do. It is the Anointing that empowers me to be successful and that with this empowerment, ALL things that I desire to accomplish, shall be done. Now, that is powerful.

This also relates to Matthew 6:33, Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteous and all these (my desires) shall be given to me.

So, as the years change, seasons change and life changes. The ultimate goal for me is to make those changes willingly and obediently. With that being said, I've decided that my mantras for this upcoming year are three words:

#Responsibility- For we are all called to duty. To serve in the capacity that has been predestined for us. Therefore, it is my responsibility to serve those whom I have been called to serve in whatever capacity I shall serve them. Responsibility, not opportunity.

#Obedience- For it is my heart's desire to obey the call of God and to obey His guidance and instructions. I finally realized that if I just obey Him, I am comforted in knowing that the consequences of those actions are all up to Him. He knows more about me and what He has planned for me. So, I choose to obey with an open heart.

#Inspiration- For I choose to bring a breath of fresh thinking and life anew to others who are feeling as if there is no hope. I have asked God to use me and as I am inspired, so shall they be also.

This is my R.O.I. (not to be confused with Return On Investment), even though that fits as well because I am INVESTING my life as a living sacrifice unto God, which is my reasonable act of service. This new time of change is absolutely amazing and I am excited about living it. And I give all thanks to God our Father.

Happy New Year and I wish you much success in all that you do.

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You are Destined for Purpose: Empowered with Passion.



  1. Cassandra, you must have been listening to a conversation I had a few hours ago. I said almost the same thing you wrote. “I also realized that I need to give up my need to control everyone and every situation. Now, I am no longer resisting and I am no longer fighting about anything. A release, a sort of surrender has taken place, as it was very necessary for my growth.” Cassandra, thank you for writing such a reaffirming and uplifting post.

  2. Hi Cynthia, it seems that we're on one accord which is such a amazing thing. Thank you for sharing as well.


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