Faith to Leap

I'm just sitting here thinking and I realized something. 

I am NEVER too old to do anything that I want to do.

You are NEVER too old to do anything that you want to do.

All it takes is a decision to take that first step, no matter how scary it may seem. In fact, if it doesn't scare you at all, don't do it because your dream, your vision, whatever it may be, should be so big, that it scares the heck out you.

The magnitude of what you desire should be something that you know you cannot accomplish in your own abilities and you don't know everything that it will take to accomplish it. That's where your faith will come into play.

Faith to just take the leap.

Faith to go where you are led to go.

Faith to do what you are led to do.

Faith to say what you are led to say and to the one whom you should say it.

If your dream will not require leaps of faith, don't do it.

Go back and dream again.

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You are Destined for Purpose: Empowered by Passion.



  1. I'm in the process of taking a leap of faith on a project. Your post is so timely and encouraging! Thanks!

    1. I know that you are a faith leaper and I'm sure that you will land exactly where you are suppose to land. Dream bigger and bigger and leap farther and farther. That's what I'm


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