"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." -- Nelson Mandela

As the world prepares to pay homage to one of greatest modern day leaders the world has ever come to know, I am reminded that, although we face trials and tribulations, we are to never give up on what we are called to do. There is a definite purpose for each of our beings; some are called to save/serve nations, while others are called to save/serve their own households. But still we are called to save/serve someone.
We are all destined for purpose and that purpose is never about the individual. It is always about helping someone else see the glory of God and to experience His goodness through that which is called you.
So, as I sit here and ponder this very thought, I ask myself, "Whose life am I called to save? Whose life am I here to share the glorious manifestation of God through me? Whose life is waiting for me to do the Will of my Father?"
As we celebrate the legacy of a man who put it all on the line so that his nation could be free from segregation and hatred, I challenge you to ask yourself the same questions.
Go ahead and give it some thought. Ask God to reveal His purpose for your life so that you can begin to make that difference in the lives of others. You may very well be called to save/serve a nation as Mandela, Martin, Joseph, Moses and Esther did. Or you may very well be called to save your own community. Either way glorifies our Father.
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You are Destined for Purpose: Empowered by Passion.
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