Coming May 2015- "Preparing for the Promise" Program

Coming May 2015! 

"Preparing for the Promise"

NOW is always a great time for a new beginning. You are about to embark on a new journey and transform your life along the way as you move into the life that God has predestined just for you. As with anything else, before you reach the promise, you must be prepared for it. The Bible says that God will put no more on you than what you are able to bear. This simply means that you must be able to handle it and that requires action on your part.

You were destined to be here at this moment for this purpose. I firmly believe that there is a call or a specific purpose for every single person born because God does nothing by happenstance. There is always a reason for whatever He does. I so desire that every person discover what their purpose is so that they can begin to fully walk in and fulfill the call of God for their life. There is a whole world out there waiting for you to manifest into that call. Someone’s life is waiting for you to answer that call. You were beautifully and wonderfully made, by design, to carry out a mission that was only meant for you. And whether you realize it or not, everything that you need, you already have. It is already in you waiting to be used.

Throughout this program, you will realize some things about yourself as you gain insight, reflect in hindsight and set your eyes on new sights that you were not aware of before. You will be challenged and may even want to quit, but I beseech you, by the mercy and grace of God, that you will see it through.  Allow the Spirit of God to show you who you are, who you were meant to be in God and what you were created to do while here on this earth. 

During this Preparing for Promise: 30-Step Program to Change Your Life, you will find yourself assessing, cleaning, producing, reflecting and creating new experiences that are required for you to complete. 

Who is this program for? This program is for you if:
·        You are feeling stuck and need change to happen in your life. 
·        You are afraid of change and are a place of fear.
·        You want to do something different but don’t know how to begin
·        You are seeking meaning and purpose for your life.

What you will receive in this program:
·        PDF version of the digital program
·        A companion PDF printable workbook to record your assignments
·        Video introduction and mp3 audio to guide you along the way 

And as a bonus, you will receive the kindle version of my book, 
"Ask, Believe, Receive: Law of Attraction or Biblical Principle"

Stay tuned for more information on how you can purchase this program and begin to change your life, one step at a time.  

Thanks for reading. Leave a comment and feel free to share this post. Cass C

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