Accidents, Coincidences, Serendipities

"Think About This" Thursday

"The instant you think new thoughts, the entire mechanism of the Universe is thrown into motion.

Immediately, players and circumstances are arranged and rearranged to create the sequence
of events necessary to bring about your dream.

Then as you physically move with your dreams, there will follow life's so-called accidents,
coincidences and serendipities, deliberately calculated to predispose you
to the right people, at the right time, with the right ideas.

You'll also be infused with precisely the right epiphanies, bright ideas and creativity
necessary to pull off your manifestation.

Yet, if you are not physically living your life out in the world, at least moving in the general
direction of your dreams, there simply cannot be such serendipities and lucky breaks."

~~Infinite Possibilities, Mike Dooley (2009) 

Have you experienced any accidents, coincidences and/or serendipities, lately?

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