Today, I celebrate and praise God for allowing me to complete 47 years on His great earth.
I mentioned in the previous post that the number 47 has a biblical meaning of humility and submission. The number 40 means period of transitioning through testing, trials, probation and chasetisement and the number 7 means completion and perfection. Combine the two and it means the completion of testing and trials, which will bring you to your most humbled place.
And during this past year, I have indeed been humbled in more ways than I can count. My pride was definitely shattered. Doors that could have been opened for me were slammed shut in face at the last minute. I've had to turn to others for help and that was one of the biggest things that shattered my pride and countless other ways that brought me to this place of submission and humility.
And through all of this, I have learned that I have to continue to praise my Heavenly Father and trust that He knows what is best for me.
- Trust that the doors He closed were not the best ones for me to walk through.
- Trust that the people He removed from my life, had completed their season in my life.
- Trust that having to turn to others for help was His way of showing me that He continues to sustain me even if that means blessing others in order that they are in position to bless me.
- Trust that He will not cause me to go through tests and trials that I am not able to overcome.
- Trust that no weapon formed against me will win because I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus.
- Trust that since He made me, then He knows me better than I know myself and therefore knows what is best for me, even when I think I know otherwise.
- Trust that if I continue to praise, continue to believe and continue to stay the course, that the life that is more than I could have ever imagined, is right at had and closer than I realize.
Yes, this past year has definitely humbled me. And yes, there were many times that I doubted myself and had my doubts about what God was doing in my life. For awhile there, I thought He was making a mockery of me. I thought that He had departed from me and was not hearing my cry. There were so many thoughts and feelings flowing through me, but my faith never wavered. It wasn't until recently that I began to understand what was happening in my life, because for the majority of this past year, I was confused about all of it. It was just a few short weeks ago, when I felt led to do 47 days of prayer and consecration, that I came to understand a little bit about this.
Now that I have completed that time of testing to submit and humble myself, I have now entered the next year, 48, which has a biblical meaning of transitioning into the Father's Blessing. It means to dwell or rest (dwelling place). The number 8 means new beginnings, resurrection and regeneration. And since I have completed the 47 years (the time of humility and submission), God is now transitioning me to the place of dwelling in the place of living, breathing and moving in His blessing in my 48th year. And for that I am ever grateful.
I don't know what this next year of my life holds, but I do know that through it all, I am PHinE (Praising Him in Everything).
Thanks for reading. Leave a comment and feel free to share this post. You are Destined for Purpose: Empowered by Passion. Cassandra
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